January /February 2025
Busy raising our beautiful puppies from the Secret Litter, in a brutally cold and snowy winter.
The girl is Debalys Best Kept Secret and the Boys are Debalys The Secret Is Out On Cooper, Debalys Top Secret and Debalys Keeping Secrets.
Canadian Grand Champion Bronze Debalys Curtain Call (CURTSY) finished 2024 as Canada’s #8 Siberian Husky.
December 2024
December 18 2024 Debalys Registered Siberians welcomed our very first frozen semen sire litter.
Australian Champion Dencasstique’s Takme Tothe Bank (Vault) is the Sire.
Can GCHB Debalys Spring Fling is the Dam.
3 Boys and 1 Girl. All Grey and White.
November 2024
I travelled to Red Deer Alberta mid month, and this is the first dog show in over 35 years in the conformation ring that I did not have a Siberian Husky entered. I only took my Berner, Ria, and I was thrilled with her accomplishment’s in the ring. Friday saw her winning Winners Bitch to complete her Canadian Championship!!!!
Congrattulations to her breeder Maureen Greaves of Delagrea’s Bernese Mountain Dogs for producing such a lovely example of the breed.
Saturday Ria won Select Bitch and Best puppy in Breed for her first Grand Championship points and Sunday saw her winning Best of Opposite Sex for an additional 3 points towards her Grand title. What a way to finish her puppy career!!! Onto Rally Training Ria!
September 2024
Off to Olds, Alberta for the CKOC show where I met up with Steven, Chrystal, Mimic and Kenshin, as well as Jordan and Deku. Mimic and Deku took turns winning Best of Opposite Sex and Jewel won all 3 Select Bitch. Ria the Berner won a Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a nice 3 points major the first day of the show.
July 2024
With only 8 points needed to complete Curtsy’s Grand Championship Bronze, I decided to enter 2 days of the Prince George BC show, as I had a wedding to attend on the Saturday at home.
Friday saw Curtsy win both Select Bitch wins and Saturday she won both Best of Breed wins and a lovely group 2. This completed her GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP BRONZE and started her Silver level with 5 points.
Curtsy ended up as #8 Siberian Husky in Canada with very limited showing!
June 2024
June sees us at our other home show in Grande Prairie Alberta. Jordan entered Deku (Debalys Forged in Steel) all weekend and I had Curtsy (Can GCH Debalys Curtain Call) entered all weekend as well, and it was a huge entry of 15 Siberians. To say I was thrilled with the results is an understatement.
Friday show 1 Curtsy was awarded Best of Breed and a lovely Group 2 and Deku won Winners Dog and Best of Winners for another 3 points. Friday show 2 Deku won BEST OF BREED and GROUP 1 to finish his Canadian Championship in only 3 days in the ring by a total novice handler. So proud of Jordan and Deku! Curtsy won Best of Opposite Sex.
Saturday show 1 Deku won Best of Opposite Sex for his first Grand Championship points and Curtsy won Select Bitch. In the second show Curtsy won Best of Breed, GROUP 1, RESERVE BEST IN SHOW and BEST OWNER HANDLED IN SHOW under respected Siberian Husky breeder judge Heather Brennan. I was THRILLED! This moved Curtsy into #4 Siberian in Canada!
Sunday show 1 Curtsy won Best of Breed and Deku won Best of Opposite Sex, and in show 2 Curtsy again won Best of Breed and a lovey Group 2 placement, and Deku won Best of Opposite Sex again.
So with 15 Siberians entered all weekend, and only 2 of them being Debalys Siberians, we won 5 out of 6 Best of Breeds. Well done indeed!
Ria my Berner Baby also made her debut in the points rings and brought home 3 points towards her first title winning on Winners Bitch and one Best f Breed at only 7 months of age. So proud of Ria.
May 2024
May is always one of our home shows in Taylor BC. I entered Curtsy as a Special and Shaylee and Deku, littermates were entered as Senior Pups. It was so nice to mentor Jordan with Deku at their first ever dog show. and they got better every time they walked into the ring, finishing the weekend with his first 3 points and a Best Puppy In Group win. Very proud of them for entering the conformation arena. Shaylee also scored a Best Puppy In Group win and Winners Bitch for her last points to finish her Canadian Championship. Curtsy won a Best of Opposite Sex win for 3 points and 2 Select Bitch wins for 2 points each.
I also had my Bernese Mountain Dog baby Ria entered as Baby puppy, and she won Best Baby Puppy in Group under breeder judge David Denis.
April 2024
In April I drove to Red Deer Alberta, with Shaylee, and on Friday and Saturday she won Winners Bitch for 2 points each and on Sunday she won Reserve Winners Bitch.
March 2024
Janice and I ventured to Camrose Alberta in late March with Kayce and his daughter Shalyee, where we met up with Steven and Mimic and Kenshin. Kayce (Can GCH Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) won a nice Best of Breed win and 2 Best of Opposite wins. Mimic (Can Ch Debalys Oops We Did It Again) won 2 Select Dog wins and Shaylee (Debalys Smokey Grey Ash) brought home 2 Winners Bitch, for 2 points each. All in all a good weekend conformation wise.
In The Rally Obedience ring Kenshin completed his first leg to his Rally Novice title. So proud of him and Steven.
November 2023
I am not normally entered in any winter shows, as travel can be so hazardous, but due to an exceptionally mild winter I decided to enter a couple of shows to finish off 2023. The first one was in Lethbridge, Alberta where I had Curtsy entered as a special, and Shaylee entered as a Baby puppy. Curtsy won all 3 Best of Opposite sex and Shaylee won her second lovely Best Baby Puppy in Group award.
Our second show was in Calgary at the EKKOC show where Shaylee entered the breed ring for the first point show of her career and she blew me away winning BEST IN BREED expertly handled by my daughter, as a 6 month old puppy over two female specials, including our own Curtsy, for her first two points! Yeah Shay!
Curtsy won the other 2 Best of Breed awards taking her to 11 of 50 points needed for her Bronze title.
October 2023
Debalys Siberians hit a few shows in October, the first one being in Red Deer, Alberta, where a few of us dog show crazy ladies shared a lovely air BNB and had a surprise party for my daughters 40th Birthday.
Kayce, Can GCH Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear started off the weekend with a bang going Best of Breed and onto a very competitive Group 3 placement piloted by his co owner Janice Anderson. He also won 3 Select male dog to add more points to his credit in his pursuit of his Bronze title. Huge Congratulations!
Curtsy, Can GCH Debalys Curtain Call won 2 Best of Opposite Sex and 2 Select female to add more points to her credit in her pursuit of her Bronze title.
Sadly Jewel’s class competition did not show up so she had to play with all the champion Siberians and earned no points from the puppy classes. She only needs 2 more points for her first title.
Baby Shaylee, Debalys Smoky Grey Ash won a lovely Best Baby Puppy in Group.
Mid October saw Ditto, Debalys Sequel at Chietko with her co owner Tanya Brown complete her requirements to earn her Championship in Belleville Ontario. She is the third pup from this litter to finish this title and Debalys 42ND Champion!!!. Huge Congratulations Tanya and Ditto, so incredibly proud of you to train and show Ditto to her first (of many) titles.
The final show in October was to Camrose Alberta and the Battle River Canine Association. I had entered Jewel in all 3 shows to hunt for the last 2 points required for her Championship and on the first day she was awarded Winner Bitch for 2 points and an additional 2 points for Best of Opposite sex to complete her title as a puppy with 12 points.
Jewel is Debalys 43RD Champion!
September 2023
The end of September we ventured to Lloydminster, Alberta to deliver a puppy to her new owners who drove over from Regina, and I had entered Rumor as a special, and I am thrilled to say that she earned her required points by winning 1 Best of Breed and 4 Select female to become known as MBBPIG MULTI BPIG Canadian Grand Champion Bronze Debalys Spring Fling. Rumor is my FIRST Female Bronze Champion following in the paw steps of her Dad Caper (RBIS Multi Group placing GCHB Debalys Christmas Caper CGN).
July and August 2023
We took July off of showing to stay home and enjoy the dog says of summer whilst blowing coats and playing in the pool. In August we went to Edmonton to pick up a load of Inukshuk dog food and we took in the EKC show with Rumor as a special and Jewel as a class puppy. Rumor earned a few more points towards her BRONZE title and Jewel won 3/4 reserve winners female.
June 2023
Curtsy, Canadian Champion Debalys Curtain Call won 3 out of 3 Best of breed awards at NACA in Edmonton, Alberta to finish her GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP under respected Judge James Moses at 14 months of age.

CURTSY New GCH with Jimmy Moses at NACA
Our baby girl Jewel (Debalys Third Times The Charm) earned four more points at the Grande Prairie Regional Kennel Club as we are hopeful she finishes her Championship at her next show. Susan Haus Photography took these amazing photos of our JEWEL!
Allow me to introduce you to Debalys Siberian Husky Kennel’s 41st CHAMPION
Can Champions Debalys Oops We Did It Again – MIMIC
Who was handled to 100% of his wins by his novice handler Steven Malach, and groomed to perfection by Crystal Malach. I am so incredibly proud of the team you 3 make, and that you are part of my DEBALYS FAMILY!

Can Ch Oops We Did It Again – Mimic – June 23 2023
June 2023 – My good friend Susan Haus took these AMAZING photos of my gorgeous Siberian Husky RUMOR (Can GCH Debalys Spring Fling) at the GPRKC dog show. Rumor was 4 years in March and is working on her BRONZE Grand Championship!!!
May 2023

Curtsy’s Ad in Canadian Dog Fancier May 18 2023
Four Debalys Dogs were entered into the FSJ&DKC dog show on the third weekend in May.
CAN GCH Debalys Sultana Jasmine AOM – Jazzy
RBIS CAN GCHB Debalys Christmas Caper – Caper
Can CH Debalys Curtin Call – Curtsy
Debalys Third Times The Charm – Jewel, who earned her first 4 points going BOW 4 shows out of 6.

Curtsy Best of Breed
Jewel Best of Winners
Caper Best of Opposite
Jasmine Best Veteran
January, February and March and April 2023
Oh my we have been busy here at Debalys Registered Siberians!
At the end of January we travelled down to Calgary Alberta for the first show of the year, and it was soooo cold and snowy, and a great reminder why I hate winter shows!
Curtsy – Debalys Curtain Call, won Best of Winners the last day of the show.
March saw us in Edmonton for an appointment for my husband, so I decided to enter two shows of the Battle River Show in Camrose Alberta, where Curtsy won Best of Breed from the senior puppy classes to finish her Canadian Championship. I moved her to the specials class and she won Select Bitch for her first Grand Championship point the next day.
MPIG Can Champion Debalys Curtain Call –
CURTSY – Debalys Siberians 40th CHAMPION!!!!
We ended out the month of March in Red Deer Alberta where Curtsy (Can Ch Debalys Curtain Call) won Best of Opposite the first day and Best of Breed the second and third day. Kayce (Can Ch Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) won Best of Breed his first day to complete his Grand Champion title, and for the second and thrid day he won Best of Opposite Sex for 4 points towards his Bronze title. Steven and Mimic (Debalys Oops We Did It Again) won reserve dog the first two days and Winner Dog the last day to add to his points for his Championship.
We have a bit of a break from shows and in April I am attending the Dr Marty Greer seminar in Red Deer.
November 2022
On November 2 we welcomes our TRILOGY litter. 3 boys and 1 girl, and they will go to their new homes at the end of the year!
October 2022
We travelled to two shows in October. The first show was in Red Deer Alberta. This was the first show for my new clients I am mentoring (Steven and Crystal) with their puppy from me, MIMIC. (Debalys Oops We Did It Again) where they did very well, winning all 3 Reserve Winners Male, as well as his Junior Puppy Class in Sweepstakes.
This was Curtsy’s (Debalys Curtain Call) first ‘points’ show and she won Best of Winners and Best Puppy in Group for her first 3 point major win. Curtsy also won her Junior Puppy sweepstakes class.
Kicker and Caper were also entered and Kicker finished his GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP BRONZE title.
Our second show this month was in Camrose Alberta. Steven and MIMIC won Best of Winners the second show for his first 3 point major win and not to be outdone by her big brother CURTSY won Best of Winners the last day for her second 3 point major win.
This wraps up our 2022 SHOW SEASON!
August 2022
Debalys dogs were super busy in August. We travelled to Calgary in early August, to the AKC Summer Classic with Can GCH Debalys Kick Start My Heart and his daughter Can Ch Debalys I am the Tornado where we had breed competition. I am super pleased to say Kicker and Lilbeth won ALL the Best Of Breed wins for every show. This completed Lilbeths GRAND Championship (in just two weekends) and got Kicker closer to his Bronze title. We took baby Curtsey along for some more dog show socialization and she had such fun wading in the fountain to beat the horrendous heat! Special thanks to my daughter Bridgit for showing Lilbeth and for my friend Susan for the amazing candid photos.
At the end of the month we drove to Saskatchewan for the Prince Albert dog show where Kicker picked up two more group placements and baby Curtsey won Best Baby Puppy in Group her first time in the ring. So proud of the dogs of mine!!
One pooped puppy! Dog showing is HARD!
And across the country in Ontario Ditto – Debalys The Sequel at Chietko picked up TWO Best Baby Puppy in Group placements> Congratulations Tanya and Ditto!!!
July 2022
In July I went to a show I have never attended before. The Medicine Hat Kennel Club show. Although there was no breed competition for my boy Kicker, he did place in the Group all FOUR shows, earning him more points towards his Grand Championship Bronze level. We took little Curtsy along for some dog show socialization and she aced it!
June 2022
June also had two shows on our calendar. The First one being the Northern Alberta Canine Association (NACA) in Edmonton, Alberta where we had Rumor (Can GCH Debalys Spring Fling) and Kayce (Can Ch Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) entered. Both dogs earned more points towards the titles they are working on.
We also delivered 5 of the BOOK II pups to their new owners who either flew or drove to Edmonton to meet us. I had a great time visiting with dog show friends and my new clients and had the pleasure to show a bit of the city (Including WEM) to my new client and friend Tanya who took home Ditto (Debalys The Sequel at Chieko) to be the foundation of her breeding program in Ontario. You can see in the photo below why Ditto was named Ditto! She is the spitting image of her big sister Rumor!
Our second show was my only other local(ish) show held in Grande Prarie, Alberta and sponsored by the GPRKC. We had Caper (RBIS Can GCHB Debalys Christmas Caper), Lilbeth, (Can Ch Debalys I Am The Tornado) Kayce (Can Ch Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) and Walker (Debalys Shooting For Titanium) entered on alternating days. Walker earned his first point, Kayce earned points towards his Grand Championship and Lilbeth was the star of the weekend earning 11 Grand Championship points as well as two Best of Breed wins and TWO amazing group placements! I am ultra proud of this super sweet girl who brings joy to our family everyday.
May 2022
May had two shows on the calendar for Debalys Siberians. The first show was in Olds. Alberta sponsored by The Calgary Kennel and Obedience Club. We had four dogs (Kicker, Rumor, Caper and Kayce) entered and they were all in the ribbons every day, with the first day being a clean sweep!
Kayce finished his championship with 16 points and is now known as Can Ch Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear. Kayce is Debalys 38th CHAMPION!
The second show on our calendar was a fairly local show held in Taylor, BC and sponsored by the Fort St John and District Kennel Club.We had Rumor (can GCH Debalys Spring Fling) entered for 2 days and Kayce (Can Ch Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) entered for 2 – 1/2 days. The both earned points towards the titles they are working on.
April 2022
We have PUPPIES. Jasmine and Caper have gifted us with a spectacular RAINBOW Litter. 4 Girls and 3 Boys. 3 Black and White – 2 girls and 1 Boy. 2 Copper and White – 1 of each. 2 Grey and White – 1 of each.
Watch the Puppy Pen for Photos!
Made the long drive to Devon Alberta with 5 dogs for appointments at the Eye Clinic. Happy to report that Porter (Can Ch Debalys A Port In The Storm) cleared his eyes for the 5th time. Kicker (Can GCH Debalys Kick Start My Heart) cleared his eyes for the third time, Rumor, (Can GCH Debalys Spring Fling) cleared her eyes for the 2nd time, and Lilbeth (Can Ch Debalys I Am The Tornado) cleared ehr eyes for the first time. Sadly, Jo-D (Can Ch Debalys On A Wing and A Prayer) failed her eye exam and was diagnosed with Juvenile Cataracts. Jo-D will be placed in a pet home where she can live her best life. Please apply if you are interested in a super sweet Siberian female, 19 months old.
March 2022
Took 3 dogs to the Eye Clinic in Camrose Alberta. Caper (RBIS CAN GCHB Debalys Christmas Caper) and his sister Tinsel (Can GCH Debalys Mistletoe Kisses) both cleared their eyes for the fourth time and Kayce (Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) cleared his eyes for the first time!
December 2021
Caper, recieved his Grand Championship Bronze certificate from the Canadian Kennel Club. He is now known as “RBIS CAN GCHB DEBALYS CHRISTMAS CAPER”
November 2021
Lilbeth traveled to Lethbridge with some friends to meet up with my daughter Bridgit who piloted Lilbeth to Best of Breed for earn her Canadian Championship. Well done Lilbeth, Can Ch Debalys I Am The Tornado!
October 2021
October saw us in Camrose Alberta for the Battle River Canine Association show.
Kayce picked up WD in the first two shows to take him to 6 Championship points.
Lilbeth picked up another major on the last day of the show taking her to 9 Championship points.
September 2021
We managed to attend 2 shows in Alberta in September.
The first show was the NACA (Northern Alberta Canine Association).
Jo-D (Debalys On A Wing And A Prayer) won Winners Bitch and Best of Winners the first show for 2 points and Best of Breed the second show defeating 2 champion females for a 3 point win.
Kayce (Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) won Winners dog each show and finished the weekend winning Best of Breed over 2 female champions for his first two points.
Not to be outdone by her brother, Lilbeth (Debalys I Am The Tornado) won Winners Bitch the last show for her first point.
Our second show was CKOC (Calgary Kennel and Obedience Club) in Olds, Alberta where the dogs really did well.
Jo-D (Debalys On A Wing And A Prayer) finished her championship the first show going Winners Bitch, and picked up 4 grand championship points on the second two shows.
Lilbeth (Debalys I Am The Tornado) won winners bitch, best of winners and Best of Opposite sex the second day defeating 2 female champions (including Jo-D) for 4 more points taking her to 6 championship points.
Kayce (Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) won winners dog and best of winners the first show taking him to 4 championship points.
August 2021
August saw us travelling to Edmonton for the Edmonton Kennel Club show where Rumor (MBPIG Can Ch Debalys Spring Fling) won Best of Breed and Select Bitch to finish her GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP!
Jo-D (Debalys On A Wing And A Prayer) also picked up 3 points winning Best of Winners!
July 2021
We travelled to Strathmore Alberta for the Rocky Mountain Working and Herding Specialty where little Kayce (Debalys Doesn’t Do Fear) won Best Baby Puppy in the Working group in the first show and Best Baby Puppy In Specialty in the second show!!! So proud of this puppy and his co owner Janice.
Caper (RBIS MGroup placer Can Gr Ch Debalys Christmas Caper) won one Best of Breed and his daughter Rumor (MBPIG Can Ch Debalys Spring Fling) won the other Best of Breed.
June 2021
The BOARDGAME litter arrived June 6/7. 10 pups were born but sadly we lost #7 at five days of age.
We have 2 males available.
April 2021
We are having so much fun playing with and shaping the puppies using Puppy Culture protocols. Photo shoots are a hoot with this gang!
March 2021
PUPPIES!!!!! Jasmine whelped her gorgeous litter out of Kicker on March 7/8. 5 boys and 1 girl.
ALL puppies are sold.
February 2021
Still no dog shows on the horizon, but we are hopeful there will be some outdoor summer shows. Canadian Dog Fancier online magazine is devoting this week’s issue to northern breeds, featuring the Siberian Husky. I have had four gorgeous ads designed by Niome Dubois for the upcoming issue.
January 2021
It is a good thing I have my antidepressants in the form of two beautiful pups as I lost my Mom on December 29 2020, one of my good dog show friends Glenda on January 14 and my husband’s Flat Coat Ret on January 15. Hoping 2021 will be brighter in the future!
December 2020
Tinsel and 3D blessed us with 2 lovely pups on December 8 2020. 1 Girl (Jo-D) and 1 Boy (Brooks)
November 2020
Some very sad news this month, Kirby developed Pyometra (Uterine Infection) and sadly lost her litter of 4 pups and had to be spayed.
Mike and I managed to get to Sherwood Park to see the Ophthalmologist with 5 of our dogs, and happy to report they all CLEARED!
October 2020
The snow has arrived, much too soon for my liking, but the DOGS LOVE IT! Kicker turned 2 on October 2nd and had his hips and elbows evaluated by OFA and we are super pleased his results have come back Excellent and Normal!
We managed to get to one 2 day show in southern Alberta – the Rocky Mountain Working and Herding Specialty. Caper was awarded Best of Opposite Sex in both shows, Rumor was warded Select Bitch in Both shows, taking her to 10 Grand Champion points, and Timex picked up 2 points for Winners Dog on the second show, and was Reserve Winners Dog on the first show. He sister Dana?Kiska won a Best Puppy in Breed and a Reserve Winners Bitch. Great to get together with some dog show friends.
August 2020
Well to say 2020 has not turned out like I had planned would be a huge understatement. I had so many plans!
March – Battle River Kennel Club conformation show in Camrose Alberta. Cancelled.
April – Canadian National Siberian Specialty in Thunder Bay Ontario. Cancelled.
May to August – a host of other western Canadian shows. Cancelled
September – American National Siberian Specialty in Michigan. Cancelled.
Super disappointed and yet also thankful that my husband and I are in good health and both continue to be employed. Have been busy cancelling flights, hotel rooms, rental cars, etc.
Will stay at home this fall/winter and raise a couple of well bred litters instead!
Stay Safe everyone!
February 2020
February 26 2020 we welcomed the TIME litter.
Sire: Am Ch Wild Blue Yonder of the Midnightsun
Dam: Can Gr Ch Debalys Sultana Jasmine AOM.
3 handsome boys (Timex, Rolex and Nixon) and one beautiful girl (Dana- after the sire’s owner Dane).
December 2019
Caper finishes as the NUMBER 4 SIBERIAN HUSKY in Canada for 2019!!!!
October 2019
Janice and Caper, Myself and Kicker and Rumor were Red Deer Bound for their fall show and Kicker Completed his requirements for his Grand Championship exactly 6 months after he entered the ring for the first time. So incredibly proud of this boy. Can Ch Debalys Kick Start My Heart is my first 8TH Generation Champion, and my first 4TH Generation Grand Champion. Caper won a nice Group 3 placement and is in the running for the top 5 Siberian in Canada.
We ended our show season in Camrose Alberta where Rumor became a Canadian Champion, my second 8TH Generation Champion and Envy picked up her first points (3) for her Best of Winners placement., expertly handled by my daughter Bridgit.
September 2019
Janice and Caper, and Myself and Kicker and Rumor headed for the prairies, to Llyodminster Saskatchewan. Caper won a Group 2 placement and Kicker won a Group 3 placement and Rumor won her first point. Great weekend with old friends.
August 2019
The CC litter has arrived. 3 Girls and 2 Boys. All shades of Gray! All puppies are in their new homes.
July 2019
Attended the Dog show in Prince George where Kicker (Can Ch Debalys Kick Start My Heart – Multi Puppy group winner, Group Placer) won 5/6 Best of Breed and his 13th Best Puppy In Group WIN!
Rumor (Debalys Spring Fling) made her debut and garnered 2 Best Baby Puppy In Group wins!
June 2019 –
Early June saw three of the four spring litter pups going to their new homes. Lily’s new Dad flew up to meet me in Fort St John and she is enjoying her new family on Vancouver Island. Freki’s Dad drove up and spent the night with us and he is loving his new big sister Ghost in Prince Rupert. Mike and I flew with Trigger to Toronto where we were met by my good friend Theresa, from Illinois as she had driven up to meet the plane and claim her new boy. This is the third Debalys puppy to go to Theresa in the last 20 years, so he has big paw prints to fill! Nothing speaks better of happy puppy clients than repeat clients. Rumor, Debalys Spring Fling is staying with me here at Debalys.
Kicker and I entered all 6 shows in Grande Prairie, and Janice and Caper were entered in 4 of the 6 as she had work commitments. Both boys showed amazingly well, and I could have not been prouder of my puppy Kicker, who had 5 different handlers on the weekend after I injured myself the first day. The first day he won Best of Breed, Best Puppy in Group both shows. The second day handled by Candy he won Best of Breed and Group 2 under Rita Walker, and Best Puppy in Group the first show and Select dog the second show, and with Janet he won Best of Opposite Sex in the Puppy Sweepstakes. The third day he won Best of Breed in one show with Tracey, Select Dog in the other show with me limping along, and Best Puppy in Group in Both shows with Janice, so he dominated the Working Puppy group ring winning 5 out of 6. He finished the weekend with 21 Grand Championship points, at under 8 months of age. Caper showed very well and won Best of Breed twice and Select dog twice and a nice Group 4 placement under Tom Alexander. Baby Rumor came along to camp for the weekend and check out the dog show business.
For the first time ever I traveled to Cold Lake Alberta, for the Lakeland Kennel Club dog show, and I did not pack show clothes as I tore my hamstring the weekend before at the dog show in Grande Prairie. On one hand it was nice to be able to watch my dogs gait in the ring and I got to take hundreds of photos. I have to thank Janice and my daughter Bridgit and friend Maureen for showing Kicker and Tinsel for me. Results: Caper 3 out of 5 Best of Breed, 1 Best of Opposite Sex and 1 Select dog, and a lovely Group 2 from Yvonne Savard. Tinsel won Best of Breed 2 of the 3 shows she was entered in and 1 Best of Opposite Sex, and a lovely Group 2 under Terill Udenberg. Kicker won 1 Best of Opposite Sex and 5 out of sex Select dog and 5 out of 6 Best Puppy in Group wins continuing to dominate to Working Puppy group ring.
May 2019 –
The first weekend of May we traveled to Burns Lake for the Lakes and District Kennel Club show.
This was Caper and Janice’s first trip to this show and they were not disappointed to win a lovely Group 2 placement.
Kicker did amazingly well in his second show weekend, earning 8 more points from the Junior Puppy Class to finish his Canadian Championship, winning 2 Best Puppy in Group Placements and a Select dog placement for his first Grand Championship point. 19 more to go.
The Third weekend in May Janice entered Caper at the local dog show in Taylor BC for 5 of the six shows and I had Kicker entered on the Monday only as I had work commitments. I was pleased Kicker won a Select Dog placement for 3 more Grand points and Caper stole the show winning,…………………. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW!!!
Between shows and work I raised and played with my spring litter with Jasmine.
April 2019 –
First show of the new season saw us again at Red Deer, Alberta. Caper completed his Grand Champion Title with a Best Of Breed win and a Group 4 placement.
Canadian Grand Champion Debalys Christmas Caper and his co owner Janice.
Debalys Kick Start My Heart (KICKER) earned his first four points by winning Best of Winners twice.
March 2019 –
PUPPIES have arrived! Our theme will be SPRING, as we have all been long awaiting it!
December 2018 – Last show of the year. Red Deer and District Kennel Club
Caper won Best of Breed 3 out of 3 times taking him to 17 Grand Champion points and Tinsel won Best of Opposite 3 out of three times, completing her requirements for a new title.
Introducing Can Gr Champion at 1 year and 6 days old – Can GrCh Debalys Mistletoe Kisses – TINSEL!
October 2 2018 – PUPPIES – The Heart Litter has arrived!!
Four Boys and Three Girls – All “Shades of Gray”
August 2018
Tinsel and I, along with Janice and Caper attended the EKC show in Edmonton Alberta the first weekend in August. Our puppies did exceptionally well, with Caper winning the breed and a Group 4 placement, and Tinsel winning the breed three times and a Group 4, a Group 3, a Group 1 and two Best Puppy in Group placements. I could not be more proud, what a way to wrap up our summer show schedule. We floated home!

(Caper) Ch Debalys Christmas Caper winning Group 3 at 8 months old.
July 6 2018 – WE GOT MAIL –
Jasmine and Quita’s hips scores came back EXCELLENT and Cinder came back GOOD!
June 22/23/24 2018
Grande Prairie Alberta is my other ‘local’ show and I try to attend it every year. This year there was an exceptionally large entry of 15 Siberians. My Debalys Siberians did me proud once again.
Porter took Select Dog the first show for 2 Grand Championship points.
Caper took Winners Dog for 2 points, and Best of Winners 3 points taking him to 8 Championship points. He also took Reserve winners male 3 times.
Simon won his class 5/6 times and showed very well.
Tinsel took Winners Bitch three times, for 2 points each, Best of Opposite Sex 2 times and Best of Winners two times for 3 points each, finishing her Canadian Championship with 12 points, and earning her first 2 Grand Championship points.
Great Camping trip dog show with some amazing old friends. Thank you Kaden and Quinn for all your help with the fuzzy butts!
June 3/4 2018 –
I attended my first ever show at NACA in Edmonton with Tinsel and my friend and Caper’s co owner Janice, where the pups did us proud, each winning a BEST OF BREED placement at 6 months old. Caper also made the cut in a very large working group, with 18 breeds entered.
May 2018 –
The Fort St John and District kennel club is one of my local shows, and I have attended 24 of the past 25 years. This year Debalys Siberians out did themselves, totally sweeping the wins in the working group in show 3. This is one incredibly proud breeder!!!! To give you a recap of our wins:
My baby puppy female, Debalys Mistletoe Kisses (Tinsel) won 3/6 Besy Baby Puppy in Breed, followed by 3/6 Best Baby Puppy in Group and to top it all off she won a BEST BABY PUPPY IN SHOW!
Debalys Christmas Caper (Caper), co owned with Janice won 1/6 Best Baby Puppy in Breed and 3/6 Best Male puppy in Breed. So proud of Janice and Caper. I forsee good things in this duo’s future.
Senior male puppy, Debalys Simon Says, (Simon) co owned with Trevor was piloted by myself to win Best of Opposite Sex twice over a male special for his first two points, as well as a Best Puppy in Group placement.
Canadian Champion Debalys Foolproof (Quita) was shown by Janice to finish her Grand Championship, and she also took Best of Breed 3/6 times, a Group 4 placement, a Group 1 placement and a RESERVE BEST IN SHOW!!!
My heart dog Uno, Canadian Grand Champion Debalys Once In A Blue Moon CGN RN RI, CD, RA came out to play in the Veterans ring and he did me proud winning 4/6 Best Veteran in Breed, 3/6 Best Veteran in Group and 2/6 BEST VETERAN IN SHOW!! I love this dog with everything in me! What a weekend!
April 2018 – We ventured south to Chilliwack to participate in the Siberian Husky Club of Canada National Specialty and the British Columbia Siberian Specialty shows. This was Tinsel and Caper’s debut weekend and I could not be any prouder of how well they took in all the new sights and sounds. Uno won Best Veteran in Specialty and Jasmine won Best of Opposite Sex in Specialty.
February 2018 – All the pups have gone to their new homes. Three went as beloved family pets, and one male, Debalys Christmas Caper has gone to live with my friend Janice who will show him. One famle, Debalys Ribbons N Bows at Danson has moved to Chicago with her new Dad Dane and will be shown in the US. Wishing all my puppy clients the very best.
November saw me hitting the road for one more show before the year end. My wonderful husband Mike drove Gala and Jasmine and I to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan for one more show. Jasmine completed her requirements for her Grand Championship and Gala earned 2 more points towards her Championship.
In October Debalys Siberians went to the Battle River Show in Camrose where Jasmine and Quita both earned more points towards their Grand Championships, and Gala earned more points towards her Championship.
The last weekend in September found us in Lloydminster, where Ch Debalys Sultana Jasmine earned 2 Best of Breed Placements, a Group 4 placement and a Select bitch for 8 Grand Champion points. Miss Gala earned her first 2 points towards her championship. Another lovely show weekend with my daughter Bridgit!
August 2017 we ventured to Calgary for the AKC Summer Classic. Gala won 2 out of 3 Best Baby Puppy In Group placements with very good competition! Porter did not place in the ribbons this weekend, but showed very well at his first really big show, over 1000 dogs entered! Had a wonderful weekend with my human daughter Bridgit and one of my mentors Candy! Thoroughly enjoyed rooting on a couple lovely male Siberians in Group!
August 2 2017 Fairytale (Can Ch Debalys Once Upon A Time DOM) gave birth via a C Section to three lovely boys. Alvin, Theodore and Simon, we Welcome The Chipmunks!
In July I logged over 5000 km on my truck. Our first show was in Lavington at the Vernon and District Kennel Club show. Gala made her debut in the baby puppy ring, she was a hit with the crowd, but made it hard for the judges to evaluate her as she often had NO feet on the ground! She had a fun weekend, and that is the main point of baby puppy classes. Porter earned a Best Puppy in Group and Best Bred by Exhibitor in Group, and showed like a champ in 35+ degree weather! Our second show was in Prince George where Gala had a Hat Trick winning all three Best Baby Puppy in Group placements defeating two other Siberian puppies, and Quita earned 12 more Grand Championship points, including 4 out of 6 Best of Breed wins over 4 other specials, a Best of Opposite and 2 Group 2 placements and a group 3 placement. So proud of this girl and all she has achieved at under 16 months of age! Check out her photos under the Girls page!
In June we attended the Grande Prairie and District Kennel Club show for 2 of the three days. Quita earned her Championship on the Saturday of the show winning both Winners Female classes and her first two Grand Championship points on the Sunday handled by her co owner Trevor who had never set foot into a conformation ring before. Way to go Trevor! Porter did not get anymore Grand points, but he did win all 4 Best Puppy in Breed classes. So proud of my Kirby Kids!
May was a CRAZY show schedule for Debalys Siberians.
For the May Long weekend we entered the Fort St John & District Kennel Club annual show, where Porter went Winners Dog and Best of Winners both shows for 5 points to complete his Canadian championship on 11 points at 7 months and 6 days old. I moved him to the specials classes for the next two days and he won 2 select dog placements (over two separate mature male specials) to earn him his first 4 Grand Championship points. He also won 3 Best Puppy in Breed placements throughout the weekend. Max and his co owner Angela won 2 Winners Dog placements on the last day of the show to finish his Canadian Championship in three straight weekends entered. I am very proud of these two. Joker and his co owner Maureen won 2 Winners Dog placements to earn him his first 2 points. I showed Niquita in the 12-18 month class and she won 3 Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for 8 points towards her championship. Kirby was entered in 2 shows as a special and won Best of Opposite Sex in the first one and Best of Breed in the second one. Kirby and Kaos showed in the Brace Class and ended the weekend with Best Brace in Show! Proud of all the Siberians. Some candids from the show.
On the May Long weekend we entered 10 Debalys Siberians in the eye clinic to check for hereditary diseases of the eye. Very proud to say we got clearances on Uno, Fairy, Kirby, Jasmine, Cinder, Joker, Niquita, Scout, and Porter, but devestated when KAOS was diagnosed with a hereditary eye anomaly. Kaos will be spayed June 2, and will be staying here with us at Debalys as my husband’s girl.
We hauled the travel trailer and 4 dogs to Burns Lake for the Lakes and District annual all breed show the first weekend in May. Jasmine was the star of the weekend earning Winner Bitch, Best Of Winners and best of Opposite sex for 3 points on the first show of the morning, putting her right onw 10 points, so I decided to keep her int he classes for the next day. She surprised us all by going Best of Breed BOTH shows on Sunday to earn 6 Grand Championship points. Porter won 2 Winners Dog for 2 single points, taking him to 6 points and Max, with his Co owner Angela won 2 Winners dog and 2 Best of Opposite sex defeating a mature male special for 4 more points, taking him to 8 points.
April saw us travelling to Chilliwack to the BC Siberian Husky Club Regional Specialty show, and Renaissance all breed show with Kirby, Jasmine, Porter and KAOS! I was proud of how all the Sibes showed. At the Specialty Porter won Winners Dog, Kirby won Select Bitch and Kirby and Kaos won Best Brace in Show, and Kirby also won Best Brood Bitch with Porter and Kaos. Porter was undefeated in all shows for Winners Dog and he brought home 4 single points. Jasmine won 3 reserve winners bitch from the Bred By class. Kirby won Best of Breed and Group 2 under Mrs Polly Smith for 105 top dog points. Great weekend for Debalys Siberians.
November and December passed in a blur with 6 puppies in the house, and the second weekend in December saw us on the road with four of the pups going to their forever homes. Two of the special Storm puppies will be staying here with us here at Debalys.
October 14 we welcomed in the STORM litter ( Kirby X Titan) during an early snow storm. 4 males and 2 females. Kirby is proving herself to be an amazing second time mom, and the pups all tripled their birth weight by 16 days old.
I also allowed Titan to stand at stud to an outside female bred by Sarah and Teghyn Kube of SnowDreams Siberians in Charlie Lake, and he blessed their kennel with 3 boys and 2 girls 🙂
September starts with a bang – NEW Can Ch Debalys Princess Cinderella with my dear friend Ann and I and all her puppy group ribbons.
July 2016 is on it’s way out, and we wrapped up our scheduled show in Prince George this past weekend. Fairytale and Kirby both competed in the specials ring for Grand Championship points, and Kirby finished with 24 points at the end of the weekend and a group 3 placement. Fairy earned another 6 points, taking her to 8! Jasmine earned 6 points including a Best of Breed with Yvonne Savard. Proud of this young eye catcher! Not to be outdone, her sister Cinder took 6 points from the junior puppy class and baby brother Maxi could not let the girls walk away with everything, and he and his co owner Angela strutted their moves to earn 4 points winning BOW twice. Special thanks to my dog show buddy Ann for helping me in the classes and Claire for showing Fairytale, and to the famous Anna Michele for her extraordinary shots of the Debalys Siberians inside and out of the rings!
June 2016 has come to a close, and it has been a very busy month at Debalys Siberians. All the puppies have gone to their new forever home and I could not be happier with all the wonderful families. We took in a show in Grande Prairie where Kirby earned 8 points towards her Grand Championship (BARE NAKKED) and Fairytale earned 2. Fairytale also competed with young Teghyn in Junior handling and they pulled off best Junior Hander, congrats girls! Was great to spend a camping show weekend with my lovely daughter Bridgit, watching her compete with her Berner in the obedience ring.
We Finished May at the FSJ&DKC show where Jasmine showed in Baby puppy and placed 5/6 Best Baby puppy in breed, Uno earned several Best of Breed placements and my veteran Quicksilver ended the weekend winning Best Veteran in show.
May started out with a BANG in Burns Lake at the Lakes and District Kennel Club show. Uno completed his Rally Advanced titles making it his sixth obedience titles in three years, but he was not finished there. He won 3 out of 4 Best of Breed, and a Group 3 and a Group 4 placement to finish his Grand Championship with 24 points.
Jasmine made her debut as a baby puppy and won a best Baby Puppy in Group placement.
Kirby and Uno would like to announce the April Fool’s Litter, born on April 2 2016 – She even fooled me, as I was certain they would arrive April 1st!
One Boy, and 5 Girls, all shades of grey.
February finds us super busy at Debalys with a houseful of beautiful puppies. Five weeks old and first foray to the yard to discover snow! They had a blast!
January 5 2016 – PUPPIES
My much anticipated litter of puppies has arrived. Fairytale and Elvis are the proud parents of 3 girls (2 black and white and 1 dark grey) and 3 boys (all dark grey). All puppies are presold.
December has come and is on it’s way out the door.
2015 was a memorable year for Debalys Siberians. With very limited showing Titan (BPIS BISS Can GrCh Debalys Dark Side Of The Moon) finished as number 11 and his cousin Kirby (Can Ch Debalys Kirby) is in number 20 position. Titan was shown three weekends and Kirby was only shown 2 days. Titans sire, Uno (Can Ch Debalys Once In A Blue Moon CGN CD RI) was ranked number 5 Siberian Husky in Rally Obedience.
We are anxiously awaiting our much anticipated litter from Fairytale and Elvis. Puppies are due any day.
November newsflash – Fairytale has been bred to Elvis, and puppies are due the beginning of the new year!
Uno, Mike and I went to Prince George to attend a 2 day Rally Trial in October and Uno completed his Rally Intermediate title with a score of 82. Uno also earned two high in class in Rally Advanced with scored of 87 and 96. I am so proud of this boy, he has never NQ’ed in a single trial I have entered him in!
Hard to believe summer has flown by so quickly. Moving right along into September saw us at the Sagebrush Working and Herding Specialty in Kamloops BC, and UNO earning scores of a 78 and a 92 in Rally Intermediate earning him his first two legs towards a new title 🙂 Two huge handler errors with the 78 score, and sadly I cost UNO 20 points. I have apologized profusely for being such an inferior team member and endeavor to do better by my boy!
September 7 – 8 Kirby was bred to Quicksilver and November 9 -10 should see puppies here at Debalys! Ironically November 10 will be Quicksilver’s 9th Birthday! *UPDATE* Sadly when Kirby was taken for an ultrasound, there were no puppies.
August has started well with Debalys Dogs, as our California connection, Linda Hause and her special boy Jasper scored a 5 point major in Dixon, the first weekend in August. Debalys Jasper at Zarniva is just needing a single major to become an AKC Champion!!!
July started with a bang with Debalys 24th conformation Champion! Huge congratulations to UKC Champion and NEW CKC Champion Debalys Dirt Devil WD and his co owner Deb Langlois!!!!!
Ch Debalys Kirby had her hips graded last month by OFA and we are pleased to say they came back EXCELLENT!!!
June has come to a close with good news and bad!
Tragically Fairytale delivered 9 beautiful grey and black puppies, all of which were dead at birth on June 20 2015. Fairy and I have been grieving, but endeavor to accept and move on.
Titan was successful in the rings in Thunder Bay June 26-28 2015, earning three BOB wins and a Group 2 and a Group 4 placement. Thank you Phyllis Pancel and Vicky Umpleby for finding my boy in group – and to Justin Young for your expert presentation. Titan currently sits number 8 in breed ranking.
June 29 2015 and Titan’s OFA evaluation has come back Excellent. Happy Dance today!
May was a spectacular month for Debalys Siberians in both rings.
May 1-3 Titan was shown in Thunder Bay, Ontario where he earned his GrCH, as well as a group 3 and 1 placement and Best In NATIONAL Specialty Show!
May 2 UNO completed his final leg for his Companion Dog title in Burns Lake, BC!
May 16-17 Kirby made her first appearance as a Special and earned 10 Grand Championship points and two group 1 placements.
BPIS BISS GrCH Debalys Dark Side Of The Moon (TITAN) and his Sire,
CH Debalys Once In A Blue Moon CGN RN CD (UNO) both have ads hitting the internet on June 10 2015 in Canadian Dog Fanciers online magazine.