BBPIG MBPIG Multi Group Placer RBIS CAN GCHB Debalys Curtain Call
Sire: RBIS CAN GR CH BRONZE Debalys Christmas Caper
Dam: CAN GR CH Debalys Sultana Jasmine AOM
DOB: April 6 2022
CKC: KG4167570
Health Clearances:
CHIC 196724
Hips: SH-22522G24F-P-VPI
Curtsy is from the first repeat of my Jasmine and Caper breeding – she totally stole my heart by the time she was 6 wks old and I knew she had to stay with me. As a baby puppy she rode along to some Alberta shows to learn the dog show ropes – and made her ring debut in RD where she earned her first 3 points – going BOW as well as BPIG. Her second show was 2 weeks later in Camrose where she won another 3 point win going BOW. Curtsy earned a couple of single points in Calgary in late January and then finished her championship going BOB in Camrose in March 2023 defeating a female special. Curtsy made her ring debut as a special in RD and earned 2 BOB wins, made the cut in the group, and won another BPIG ribbon. In May 2023 at our local show in FSJ she won 9 additional points towards her Grand title and completed her points for this title at NACA in June winning best of breed all three shows she was entered in. Curtsy was shown very limited for the remainder of the year and earned 11 of the 50 points required for her BRONZE title.
In 2024 Curtsy completed her requirements for her GRAND CHAMPION BRONZE with very limited showing and she won several group placements as well as RESERVE BEST IN SHOW and BEST OWNER HANDLED in Show!!!!
I am so incredibly proud of my Curtsy!

Curtsy’s Ad in Canadian Dog Fancier May 18 2023

CURTSY New GCH with Jimmy Moses at NACA